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About Us
Telugu Association of Greater Charlotte Area (TAGCA) was formed on the Ugadi day of 2006 with an intention of preserving and promoting the Telugu cultural heritage and traditions among the Telugu speaking people residing in Greater Charlotte area of The United States of America. The association organizes social and cultural events and festivals that reflect the Telugu people culture from India.
It is a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of Telugu culture in the Greater Charlotte area. Exempt from USA Federal Income Tax under section 501 [c][3] Tax Id # 43-2101566.
The organization now has more than a 1500 life members and an increasing number of Annual members. Any person who speak Telugu and whose mother tongue is Telugu or is a descendant of Telugu parents is eligible for membership in this organization.
The organization is administered and monitored by a Board of Trustees and a Committee. TAGCA in addition to promoting Telugu culture, organizes and conducts various events for recreation and also undertakes charity and social service activities.
TAGCA was formed on Vijayanama Samvatsara Ugadi (Ugadi 2006). The founding members are listed at the bottom of this page. Founding members spent time in registering the association with state of NC, getting Tax ID and are in the process of making the association a non-profit. Elections were held and Board of Directors were elected for a tenure of 2 years. After 2 years, elections will be held according to By-Laws of the association.
Founding Members